
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Blair's Grandma's Furniture

My friend, Blair ( a former HUF student from 1989), recently moved into a smaller home and had no where to store her grandparent's dining room set. Not wanting her to have to sell it, I offered to store it until they have space once again.It's been a nice change of pace after we rearranged our dining room set to various locations throughout the house. I especially am enjoying displaying my Aunt Rema's violet dishes in the old cabinet.The older I get the more I enjoy "borrowing" instead of owning.It's "free" decorating and a chance to help a friend at the same time. So, thank you, Blair. Just holler when you're ready to have it back home!

1 comment:

  1. Ciao, Kim!

    I remember your talking about the furniture in Searcy, so it's nice to see it! It is beautiful.

    I wonder if you'd be interested in housesitting another piece that we have. It's way too big for our little house, and I've been trying to find someone to take it temporarily. It's an old cabinet that appears to have been made from pieces of wood from an old barn. Let me know.....

    (Jon Michael does look nice in the suit! Hard to imagine he's the same boy as that little 3-yr-old squatting and looking at the "ducklets" on Easter morning!)

    I will be in touch by phone soon!

    Love you!
