
Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Fresh Start on Weight Loss

New beginnings. I've had a lot of them this year. This year has held many changes. We are now living in a new state, worshipping with new brothers and sisters in Christ, and living in a new home in the country. Terry is teaching at a new university. In December I will have both a new grandson and a new daughter-in-law! These have all been wonderful changes and good beginnings. But one change I have not been good with:( Last year was a turning point for me as far as taking better care of myself, walking every day and losing 35 pounds on Weight Watchers. The weight has been slowly creeping back, and the treadmill mostly gathers dust. It is time for another new beginning. Just as God has been with me and shown Himself in even the smallest details of our move, I am asking Him for His help once again. I'm too old to do anything radical:) Weight Watchers works for me. This morning I found the meeting place in Montgomery and joined. And just as a bonus, God threw in a special gift just for me to remind me He cares. Next door to the meeting place is the Kudzu Blossom Quilt Shop that I had found online back in Tennessee. I LOVE this shop!! I couldn't remember the name..and VOILA there it was! He cares about every detail of our lives. I'm now off to sew nightgowns and matching doll nightgowns for my granddaughters for Christmas. I finished 45 little bears for our congregations bear mnistry last night (not the stuffing and hand work- there are many dear women who do that each month). Now it's time for the fun little projects that make you want to feed the family mac 'n' cheese for dinner so your sewing doesn't get interrupted!


  1. Missing you so much Kim. Wishing I could show you little Esther in the gorgeous dress you made...guess I'll have to send pictures :-) Thanks for being my friend.

  2. So proud of you mom! You are such a good woman and I love how you truly lead by example. You can do it!!
