
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Giving the World to My Family

It has been many months since I wrote on my blog, and after much thought I determined why that was. I am ready to head in a new direction. I want to write about what matters to me. About swapping recipes, making aprons and doll dresses, hanging clothes on the line, and cheering on those I love. There is so much I want to learn--how to listen better, how to encourage, how to let go, and how to challenge myself. I want to feed my family better. I want to show my family that some foods are better than others. I want to take time to learn new sewing skills. I want to find new ways to add healthy activities to my life. So here goes. As one of my favorite homemakers,Tessa Kiros says, "May I just get to the end of the road and say, I have done this important thing in my life and I have done it well."

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read about your adventures in the world of sewing, crafting, baking, cooking, and living. :-)
