
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Psalm 101:2-3

"I will walk within my house in the integrityof my heart.
I will set no worthless thing before my eyes;
I hate the work of those who fall away;
It shall not fasten its grip on me."

Ouch. A few days ago, while reading my Bible one evening, these words jumped out at me. Painfully. I had just spent a week of unadulterated bliss with my husband and children, and their children. We had worshipped together. What joy it brought me to hear all of their voices raised in praise to Him. And that is when Satan enters the picture. I have tried for many years to be careful to live my life by His word, and not by what my culture, or even fellow believers, says is right. This decision has forced me to make some difficult decisions as to how I educate my children, our choice to adopt transracially, and even where we live and work. But I have allowed the world's thinking to effect me in a serious way. And unfortunately, I have been guilty of sharing this with those I love most. That is the idea that at the end of a long day- hopefully a day of serving and doing for others- that it is OK to "Veg" and watch "mindless" TV shows. Shows that share the lifestyles of people of the world who live in a way that is totally abhorred by my God. I have been wrong. I have been teased in times past of the shows on my recorder--The Waltons, Anne of Green Gables, Wind At My Back, etc. But each of these shows teach the values I believe in, and values which are taught in God's word. So I have repented. I will no longer watch shows in my home that condone homosexuality, adultery,and immodesty. It is not enough to watch and comment occasionally, " I cannot believe these people!" We are called to be set apart. I apologize to those I have been a poor example to. There is so much beauty in the world that God has blessed us with. We may have to search a bit harder, but it is there.
I will set no worthless thing before my eyes

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your conviction. It's a struggle for me. I love to be entertained, but God's word is true and convicting. We are set apart.
