
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Tree Fort

Today was a SSLLLOOOWWW day for me. I'm not sure what the problem was. I think it has been my poor diet. I know how to eat healthier, and even enjoy  it when I do, but unfortunately "healthy" choices are not what I tend to make when I'm tired. The boys did their math on the computer, read their assignments, and I read from "Moccasin Trail" and "William Wilburforce". They only did one page of handwriting, and said their  Psalm 103 memory work..and by then I was TOTALLY dragging. They asked if they could go outside for a little bit and I reluctantly said yes. I was feeling like a bit of a failure. There had been no great discussions on Wilburforce and the ending of the slave trade--or on the impact that had on their ancestors. There was no written report turned in on contrasting life with the Indians and life as a settler. Instead they spent the afternoon in the tree out front. Their friend, Sarah, joined them for most of the afternoon. They debated adding one board a day versus many. They made kits of hammers and nails. They hung a flag. And best of all, they laughed all afternoon. They are happy and they have had a great childhood. I think if you asked them, they'd say that they'd rather be right where they are right now than back at a small resort town on the Aegean Sea or in a farmhouse in Tuscany. It is true what they say... a Mama is only as happy as her most unhappy child.


  1. I know exactly how you feel about making unwise choices when tired. I find myself choosing a burger at a local fast food joint or filling a bowl with cereal when I haven't had an adequate amounts of pillow time. Yet, when I'm rested, I have the stamina and willpower to wait for a better choice. Sleep is so important; it just feels like a lot of wasted time. As far as your boys, I'm sure they had a wonderful time and there is nothing for you to worry about!!!

    Love you,


    P.S. I've enjoyed getting reading your archives when time permits.

  2. Mom, you are probably dragging with Jordan and Christian because Katie, Brandon, Jon and I are calling you constantly for a mom-fix! :) Cut yourself some slack, you've only been in Alabama a short time. Get some rest, make healthy choices, and remember you had these days with us older kids and we seem to have turned out ok... maybe... jury is still out on a few of us :) I LOVE YOU

